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  • Baby Step Your Way to Aging in Place

    Aaron D. Murphy

    Take a look at our Aging in Place Product Catalog.

    Hey everybody, just wanted to take a minute to talk to you today about baby stepping your way to aging in place both for acceptance and implementation. Saw a real nice webinar that Carol Chang did recently for the National Kitchen and Bath Association and she was talking about age tech, but my favorite part of what she had to say was actually how to get adoption. And we all know there are cycles. Think about your smartphone, think about when the internet came out. There's cycles through adoption from innovators, early adopters, and eventually you hit that point of inflection to general acceptance. I want you to think about that when you are talking about aging in place with your parents or anybody that you want, even if it's B2B, if you're the business person working with a consumer in that case, think DIY first. Hey mom, can I put an LED strip under the side rail of your bed that will go off when your feet hit the floor? Mom, can I put motion sensors in the hallway outlets so that the floor lights up when you go to the bathroom at night. Then, hey mom, can I change your, or have a handyman change your doorknobs to door levers so that when your hands are full, when you come home from the grocery store, you could open the door with your elbow. Hey mom, I know your hands are hurting from arthritis. Can we switch out all of your fingers switch light switches to paddles so that you could flip lights on and off easier with the back of your hand or your forearm or your offhand. Those are the easy things that we can start talking about. Mom can I have a handyman switch out the lighting on those stairs to the basement in your 1940s home where the washer and dryer are so that we can get some better lighting in there. It scares me when you go downstairs to do laundry. I would like the peace of mind. Is that okay? That's the kind of languageing that can get us baby stepping our way towards aging in place solutions. That way when they, and I've done this, I'll finish that sentence. When they start using it, then they do the, oh my gosh, this works so well. Why didn't we do this sooner? And that's when you can talk about the next level of the baby stepping your way into aging and place solutions. Not everybody needs blinds that close automatically with artificial intelligence or music that changes as you move down the hallway like it does in Bill Gates's house. Every project is a function of scope, time, and money. Those are the three triangles in the world I work in as an architect and how you manage a project. So the scope of work will be different for everybody. But start with baby steps. Get implementation that is simply order something on Amazon. You install it for mom or dad and wait for the, hey, that was really cool. What's next mindset. That'll get you going toward aging in place solutions. For more about what we do at ForeverHome, go to We have lots of products and industry relationships, and you can order through our website for some of those things that might be a good DIY project next time you see your folks over the weekend. Thanks, take care.

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