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  • B2B for Aging in Place - Do You Value Yourself Enough

    Aaron D. Murphy

    Schedule some time with us.

    Do you value yourself enough? I've had three appointments today that were no shows. I had a coaching call, introduction, discovery for 20 or 30 minutes. I had a office hours that somebody had scheduled their seat at the table and didn't show up for that. And I had a general discovery call about partnership and joint venture for that. So I guess I have to ask, do you value yourself enough? I'm currently being paid $1,500 for 75 minutes to do a virtual presentation and then also manage and facilitate a panel discussion at a national conference. I just yesterday blocked out four hours of time basically mediate, arbitrates the wrong word because it wasn't that legal. The separation of partners in a civil engineering and surveying company at the rate of $375 an hour. So I guess I want to ask the small business owner who is scheduling and then not valuing, well in this case my time, but more importantly, not valuing what they set out to do, not valuing themselves, yourself enough to hold to your own appointments. I think that's my question for the day. For all these dreams of scaling your company, all of these dreams of 10Xing your revenues, which I've done both multiple times. But you can't make an appointment that you set up. That's the question. There it is for today. That's all I've got for you business owners. Do you value yourself enough? Because before you can charge what I now can charge after 15 years of doing this and get sought out at those prices, yes, I'll absolutely pay because yes, I absolutely know what you bring me for value before you can ever get there. You have to value yourself, you have to value your schedule, you have to hold it sacred, and you have to follow through. Until then, you're not ready. For those of you that are, hop into our Calendly and schedule a call and show up for it. What's the worst that could happen? You find out you're doing some things great and maybe you find out there's some things you're totally screwing up. That's what we're here to help with. But you'd have to show up for the appointment. That's all I got for today. Thanks, you know where to find me,

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