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  • Aging in Place - Fancy Finishes and Failed Designs

    Aaron D. Murphy

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    Hey guys, another video for you on the road travel work. Got a kiddo at golf camp in a hotel. Beautiful finishes, beautiful lighting, cool mirrors, nice carpet, nice tile. This place is less than five years old. Super gorgeous and total fail design-wise. There's a hotel elevator, so every one of these needs to be a type A or a type B. Let's say my knee's bugging me and I want to use this. Oh, can't, probably fell, slipped and fell because it isn't installed well. Oh, gorgeous shower, cool. Hey, neat drain that disappears. I almost crashed and burned this morning in this shower at 50 because number one, this isn't actually a grab bar, but you might think it is, and zero texture on the Home Depot endcap sale tile, same tile, this is on the wall, no grit. The minute the shampoo hits the floor, I almost hit the deck. Does not have to be zero threshold, because it's not an ADA unit. Oh, let me close the door to the bathroom. Ow. Barn door goes all the way past, which means the handle collides with the wall with my hand in it. Oh wait, I'm going to close this, but someone's sleeping. Ow. Actually, I did that this morning. Someone else sleeping, teenage 15 year old. I go to stop the heavy door from making a sound and absolutely get my fingers crushed in this door. Think about your design people. Okay, pretty finishes don't equal safety. Even in a brand new hotel room with all the pretty glass slide rod tops. Doesn't matter. No grab bar on the side, no grab bar inside. Huge shower with horrible tile, or a horrible pressure, water pressure. So in a huge shower I'm freezing and no bench, no flip down seat, no way for me to take care of anything from if I'm a female shaving my legs or anything else I might need to do if I'm unstable because of your slippery floor. That's all I got. Take care.

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