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  • Aging in Place - Building Your Golden Rolodex Part 1

    Aaron D. Murphy

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    Hey everybody, back with another B2B on the business of aging in place. Marin Murphy, founder of Forever Home. And today I want to talk about building your golden Rolodex. Please don't undervalue the importance of your connections. And if you don't have them and you need to start networking, get after it. Your referral network is what's going to unlock your referral-based business, okay? Then you get to be the quarterback and the concierge for Aging in Place Solutions for your clients. I've got another personal example this week where my address book had two, well, two situations. I'll have to record another one. Had me helping nationally with solving something for actually a friend or a family member. So keep listening. This is going to resonate with you. We're all going through this somewhere, somehow with your family or loved one. Okay. So, scenario number one, inbound call from my cousin. She's a physical therapist in Chicago. She and her sister have been talking about dad's dementia, their second floor condo in Fort Myers, Florida. And the adult children have been suggesting from their own research that mom and dad should be looking at next living arrangements for dad, the one with dementia, and for her to go along and be on campus. Mom hears out of fear, this is my aunt, find a place to move dad out of your life. Therefore, she drags her feet. Fast forward nine months to the phone call I got. Hey, Aaron, I know what you do for a living and I know you do it nationally. This is my cousin. Dad just slipped on a wet floor in the garage. He's broken his femur vertically. He just got out of surgery and they're ready for discharge and the hospital's tone is kind of like last call at the bar. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. We're done with you. We've done our part. See you later. We need the bed. What do you do with that? Well, that's the call I got from my cousin. Within two phone calls and three emails in two days, I had somebody as a warm and trusted referral, boots on the ground within an hour of their location in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm in Seattle. I had them up to speed on the situation in communication with the adult children and heading toward my aunt and uncle to work alongside my cousins with a transition plan for short and long-term solutions associated with the hospital discharge. That's the power of relationship. You guys, soft skills, people power, knowing folks, networking, having built relation with them, B2B professionally, know who's in your parallel industries, know who should be alongside you on your solution team. If you're going to be an elder advocate, if you're going to be an aging in place concierge, you have to know when it's not necessarily a job for you yet, but it's still a referral that creates a relationship and a long-term investment that will benefit your business. Okay? I know these people because I've built relationships through LinkedIn, Zoom meetings. I promise it will catapult you past your competition. When you know a guy or a gal that knows a guy or a gal, you have the keys to the kingdom when it comes to solutions. A job not yours, but solved, is three future referrals with zero ad spend. So in this scenario, I just wanna thank personally the National Aging in Place Council that we are a part of. That's the connections that I had through Heather Evanson, Tara Ballman, Scott Fulton and all the team that made this a very seamless two phone call scenario through a trusted national referral network. If you need this kind of guidance or mentorship and accountability in your own aging and place small business, that's what most of us need. I did 15 years ago. We can help you do that. We can coach you at Go learn more about what we do, hop on a call with us, see if we're a good fit. You can do a discovery call, see if you want to do coaching or coursework with us. Our phone rings 120 to 150 times a year for the past eight years with new project inquiries. We get to pick our ideal clients from people that are coming to us because we do what we just told you to do in this video. You're in and you're out, week in and week out. You can do it too, with some accountability, some training and some support. Get in touch. Thanks, have a great day.

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